The average house price on SHADWELL PARK CLOSE is £683,546
The most expensive house in the street is 9 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £783,090
The cheapest house in the street is 2 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £622,923
The house which was most recently sold was 7 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE, this sold on 15 Jun 2023 for £630,000
The postcode for SHADWELL PARK CLOSE is LS17 8TN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £629,203 £309,950 27 May 2004
2 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £622,923 £250,000 30 Jan 2003
4 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £620,000 2 May 2023
5 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached , 142 m2 £762,472 £420,000 1 Dec 2005
6 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £674,904 £425,000 27 Jul 2007
7 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £642,883 £630,000 15 Jun 2023
8 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached , 224 m2 £725,944 £560,000 24 May 2017
9 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached £783,090 £175,500 4 May 1999
14 SHADWELL PARK CLOSE Detached , 204 m2 £626,950 £490,000 24 Aug 2017